
05 December / / lifestyle
Being from the state of Karnataka in India, Sambhar (lentil soup) is one of my all time favorites. Traditional preparation takes time, but… I’m lazy. Here is my attempt at switching the order of execution to shave off a few minutes. Ingredients Serves 4 300g raw red lentils 1 medium sized onion 2 medium sized tomatoes 500g Okra 2 tbsp sambhar powder, a pinch of turmeric, a pinch of red chilly powder 2-3 tbsp oil 0.
18 November / / lifestyle
I stumbled upon a carrot cake mix while grocery shopping. With thanksgiving around the corner, I thought it would be good to bake a cake and share it with my coworkers. I baked my first cake a few weeks prior and it crumpled due to lack of eggs to bind it. This one held up pretty well. What’s the secret? Ingredients Serves 12 Cake mix (22 oz) Olive oil (2 tbsp) Apple sauce (8 oz) Ground flaxseed meal (2 tbsp) Recipe 10 min prep / 30 min bake Grease baking pan Add 2 tbsp of ground flaxseed meal to 6 tbsp of water.
06 October / / travel
With: Nitin Patil Poo poo point is a gorgeous trail which is apparently accessible via horse and drone-friendly. xD From the top, you can paraglide all the way back down - I’d love to try that one day! Akshaya Clouds Greens
19 August / / travel
8.8 miles, roundtrip 2900 ft elevation gain The Hike My failed attempt at Lake Ingalls was bothering me. I took it upon myself to reach the top no matter what. With forest fires on the rise, the weather was smoggy. To make matters worse, it was cloudy. The hike was very scenic nonetheless - highly recommended. Flora Hike Lake ingalls
06 August / / travel
9 miles, roundtrip 2700 ft elevation gain With: Shreyas, Willy, Karen and Ellie. There’s nothing like a Sunny day at Snow Lake. Gem lake turned out to be a hidden surprise. Getting to the trail Shreyas and I were on our way soon after renting the car! A coffee break and a few bumpy roads later, we got to the trail head. We grouped with Willy, Karen, Ellie and their pet, Frank and hit the trail around 12pm.