
I get to travel to different cities for interviewing. This time, it was Palo Alto. Might as well make the most of it and travel! :) Day 1: Sausalito I got to experience some quality time with Surbhi. On the weekdays, I would be at work, so we could go out only in the evenings. We had some good Thai dinner and spent some time at the marina on the first day.
5 miles, roundtrip 2125 ft elevation gain With: Kartheek Murthy and Snigdha Goel. The Hike Mt Pilchuk is a relatively steep hike, mostly shaded. The trail ends with an old lookout that oversees multiple hills and mountains. The 360° views from the top are spectacular! Akshaya climb Akshaya sits Panorama
8.5 miles, roundtrip 4000 ft elevation gain The Hike Oh boy, Mailbox peak is one of the hardest hikes I’ve done while writing this post. Most of the path is shaded. The end of the hike have boulders, and the famous mailbox at the top! I was pleasantly surprised to see a used router and a toy space needle on top of the mailbox and some beer bottles inside.
It’s been long since I met my school friends. What better way to reconnect than a road trip to Lake Tahoe, CA?! The beautiful hikes, delicious food (yes, including vegan ice cream), dancing and quality time with friends makes this trip memorable. Vidyadhar, if you’re reading this, NOT COOL that you didn’t show up! :p Lake tahoe island Lake tahoe lighthouse Lake tahoe pier