
Exactly one week earlier, I hiked up Crystal Lake and it looked like summer is here. And PNW was like, NO! Summit lake hike was misty AF - with visibility of less than a 100 ft or so. Regardless, it was a surreal experience, and I will be back when the weather is better! Another strange thing happened on this hike. The road to get there was in a terrible shape.
Crystal lake summit is a pleasant hike. Since it wasn’t too sunny thanks to the trees, I decided to run up the trail! 9 miles, roundtrip 2300 ft elevation gain Chinook pass Flower Stream Trail
A pleasant day to hike up Dirty Harry’s balcony in the cascades with Shreyas. This was around the time I really started taking online privacy seriously when someone started live streaming themselves on Facebook live on top of the hike. I asked them how they felt giving out personal data to another company, and they said that they didn’t care much. Sigh. Regardless, the cascades on a sunny day - there’s nothing like it!
30 April / / travel
I <3 New Mexico and Texas! The region is beautiful everywhere you look, the food is great, and the people are friendly! Would go again 100%! The plan was to cover as much as possible in the short duration I was there. Day 1 Landed in ABQ, and started heading south. The main attractions that I was interested in were the white sands national monument, guadalupe, and the carlsbad caverns.
21 April / / travel
April - what a time to be at Yosemite! This became one leg of my time off, a much-needed break away from Seattle. I decided to stay at a hostel the night before and hung out with strangers at a bar (shout out to Jackass Hostel - highly recommend it). Since I did not have too much time at Yosemite, and because the half moon dome was too risky at the time of the year, I decided to hike Nevada falls via the John Muir trail.